Issue 80

Formal title: Increase in minimum data storage requirements within the relevant Metering CoPs

Current Status


The proposer believes that the minimum data storage requirements within the Metering Codes of Practice (CoPs)[1] are now 30 years old and reflect the expectation of memory costs at that time.  Meter Operators regard this requirement as unreasonably low and through this Issue should be reviewed.

Section 5.5.1 ‘Data storage’ of the CoPs set out the minimum data storage requirements for Outstations. The data storage capacity of an Outstation is limited by its memory capacity. The data storage requirements were originally determined within the Pooling and Settlement Agreement, based on the technology available at that time.  Since the 1990’s the cost of memory has reduced significantly, and it is therefore considered appropriate to increase the minimum data storage capacity requirements to reflect the reduction in memory costs over the past 30 years. 

This Issue is focused on “conventional” half hourly metering, it is not seeking to consider Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specifications (SMETS) equipment which is defined elsewhere.

Proposed solution

The Issue Group will consult with industry stakeholders, including Outstation manufacturers, about what a suitable minimum data storage capacity should be in the CoPs. A period of 30 days (6 channels of 15 mins Demand Periods) would seem a minimum however, to further futureproof the Metering Equipment then over 100 days may be feasible.


The first Issue 80 Workgroup was held on 24 June 2019. The Workgroup discussed the issue and reviewed the RFI responses. The Workgroup agree there is a need to increase meter memory and a Change Proposal should be raised. Before raising the change Elexon is to further engage with meter manufactures to determine the impact of increasing meter memory.

Elexon is continuing to engage with Meter Manufacturers to determine the impact of increasing meter memory. Meter Manufacturer feedback will be discussed with the Workgroup before finalising the Issue 80 Report.

The second Issue 80 meeting was held on 19 September 2019. The Workgroup discussed Meter manufacturer feedback and clarified the proposed Change Proposals to be raised as an outcome of Issue 80. The WG are seeking a Party to raise two CPs.  In the event that a BSC Party does not volunteer Elexon will raise the CPs on behalf of the Issue 80 WG. The Issue 80 Final Report was submitted to the October 2019 BSC Panel meeting.

Issue 80 Meeting documents can be found at the below links:

Issue 80 Meeting 1

Issue 80 Meeting 2

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The Issue 80 Final Report was presented at the October 2019 BSC Panel meeting.


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