Code Administration Code of Practice (CACoP)

The Code Administration Code of Practice sets out principles for the administrators of  the industry codes that underpin the electricity and gas wholesale and retail markets. 

It is designed to facilitate convergence and transparency in code modification processes and help protect the interests of small market participants and consumers.

Improving co-ordination between code administrators is important especially as significant changes are being made to code rules to help the development of the smarter electricity system

About the code

Related Ofgem information

CACoP website

The CACoP Forum has a website so that companies can keep track of code changes across the energy sector and find general information that helps them to navigate the codes.

CACoP principles

  1. Code Administrators shall be critical friends
    A ‘critical friend’ is a Code Administrator who provides support to all with an interest in the Code Modification process, but paying particular attention to under-represented parties, small market participants and consumer representatives. – Critical Friend Top 5 things to do
  2. Documentation published by Code Administrators shall be in clear English
    Documents produced by Code Administrators need to be understood by a broad range of users. As users will have a varied level of understanding and background to each Code, documents will be clearly written.
  3. Information will be promptly and publicly available to users
    Information produced by Code Administrators will be easily accessible to users through a number of channels.
  4. This Code of Practice will be reviewed periodically and subject to amendment by Users
    It is envisaged that this Code of Practice will be reviewed at least annually by a group specifically convened for that purpose, consisting of Code Administrators who have adopted this Code of Practice and users of those Codes.
  5. Code Administrators shall support processes which enable users to access a ‘pre-Modification’ process to discuss and develop Modifications
    Code Administrators will encourage industry debate and support in shaping solutions.
  6. The Proposer of a Modification will retain ownership of the detail of their solution
    To ensure that a Modification is developed in the way which the Proposer intends, the Proposer will keep control over the detail of their solution. Other individuals or Workgroups cannot amend the Modification.
  7. Code Administrators will facilitate alternative solutions to issues being developed to the same degree as an original solution
    Any process for considering a suggested Modification to a Code will allow for alternative solutions to be developed and fully assessed during the Modification lifecycle.
  8. Estimates of implementation costs to central systems will be produced and consulted upon prior to a Modification being recommended for approval
    To allow users to fully understand and assess the impact of a Modification, the default position will be that the cost information will always be developed in time to allow for consultation. However there will be an exception process that allows for agreement not to develop costs in order to prevent unnecessary delay and assessment costs.
  9. Legal text will be produced and consulted upon prior to a Modification being recommended for approval
    To allow users to fully understand and assess the impact of a Modification, the default position will be that legal drafting will always be developed in time to be issued for consultation with the exception of Fast Track Self-Governance Modifications.
  10. Modifications will be consulted upon and easily accessible to users, who will be given reasonable time to respond
    All Modifications (with the exception of Fast Track Self-Governance Modifications) will have a consultation process that allows sufficient time for users to digest the information and provide a considered response. Code Administrators will facilitate this process by ensuring users are notified of consultations as soon as reasonable practicable and have easy access to all relevant information.
  11. There will be flexibility for implementation, to allow proportionate delivery time and realisation of benefits
    Implementation of Modifications will be timely to allow the benefits of a Modification to be achieved as soon as is practical. Implementation Dates will allow sufficient time for all who are impacted, including the decision making body, to make necessary preparations.
  12. The Code Administrators will report annually on agreed metrics
    In order to assess how effectively the Code Administrators are discharging the roles and responsibilities captured within the principles of this Code of Practice and the effectiveness of the change management process more generally, the Code Administrators will report on a series of qualitative and quantitative metrics, which will include the views of recipients of the service.
  13. Code Administrators will ensure cross Code coordination to progress changes efficiently where modifications impact multiple Codes
    Code Administrators will communicate, coordinate and work with each other on modifications that impact multiple Codes to ensure changes are progressed efficiently.
  14. Code Administrators shall support prospective energy innovators
    Code Administrators shall support prospective energy innovators (“applicants”) by providing guidance on their codes to any applicant including those not acceded to said code(s). Ofgem will act as the co-ordinating and externally-facing body and will be responsible for receiving and assessing information from applicants. For applicants seeking to trial an innovative product or service, Code Administrators will assess the appropriateness of the proposed temporary derogation and provide advice to the Code Panel who will provide a recommendation to Ofgem.


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