Issue 47: GB Implementation of the European Transparency Regulation

Formal title: GB Implementation of the European Transparency Regulation

Current Status


The European Regulation on submission and publication of data in electricity markets, commonly known as the ‘Transparency Regulation‘, requires primary data owners to submit information to the Transmission System Operator, or a third party acting as a data provider, for publication on a central information platform.  It is expected to come into force in June 2013, applying fully after an 18 month implementation period.

The aim of Issue 47 is to consider the implementation of the Transparency Regulation, assess what modifications are required to implement it, and facilitate the effective progression of such modifications.

Further explanation of the background to the Transparency Regulation and Issue 47 can be found in paper ISG142/04.


National Grid raised Issue 47 on 26 April 2013. The final Issue report can be found below, and will be presented to the BSC Panel at its meeting on 11 July 2013. This Issue is now closed.


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