Issue 20: Fuel Security Code

Formal title: Fuel Security Code

Current Status


The DTI have recently published the draft changes to the Fuel Security Code for industry consultation. A modification will be required to amend the Balancing and Settlement Code to reflect the changes to the FSC, and it is likely that the timescales for progressing this modification will be limited. It is proposed that a Standing Issue be raised to allow industry consideration of the changes required to the BSC and to ensure that any potential issues with the drafting of the BSC changes are addressed prior to such a modification being raised. The intention is not for this Standing Issue to consider the merits of the changes to the FSC (views on the FSC changes can be provided to the DTI by responding to the consultation on the draft FSC changes) and should be limited to consideration of the impact the changes with have on BSC processes. It is suggested that this Standing Issue be considered by the Pricing Standing Modification Group.


Elexon understands that the version of the FSC currently on the BERR website ( will be designated towards the end of September, however final comments may yet be provided to BERR.
Elexon will bring a Modification to the October Panel, assuming the content remains unchanged, should the designation date allow for us to do so


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