Trading Operations Report

The Trading Operations Report (TOR) provides information on the state of the BSC market; including issues and incidents and a summary of the key events that may have had an impact on BSC Parties. The report contains various statistics for a range of key metrics and charts to provide an understanding of any underlying trends.

The TOR is produced monthly to meet the schedule of BSC Panel meetings. It is also circulated to the Imbalance Settlement Group (ISG) and the Supplier Volume Allocation Group (SVG).

Changes to the report

From February 2021, the TOR will be separated into different subject areas and published on individual pages. The pages can be found below.

Reports from January 2021 and before will still be available in PDF format.

Prices data

Prices data will no longer be part of the TOR.

This data can now be found in the monthly System Price Analysis Report (SPAR).

Latest report

You can see information based on specific subjects on the pages listed below:  

What period does the report cover?

The reporting month is the one prior to the current month. Most of the charts and tables on the subject pages feature data relating to the reporting month.

However, some of the charts and tables are dependent on data from later Settlement Runs and in these cases the statistics will be based on the latest data available.

The reporting period differs for certain charts. More specific information on which dates are used in reporting can be found next to each individual graphs on the subject pages.

Where does the data come from?

The data used to compile the Trading Operations Report is acquired from BSC Agents and from internal monitoring systems. Data is continually submitted to Elexon from the BSC Agents and inputted to the Trading Operation Monitoring Analysis System (TOMAS) database. This database holds data derived directly from the BSC Agent settlement reports and flows. It holds Balancing Mechanism (BM) Unit details, contract volumes, metered volumes and other data items.

Elexon runs various queries and software applications in order to compile the Trading Operations Report. This
happens when the TOMAS database (and other data sources also used for producing the Trading Operations Report), are fully refreshed with a full set of data for the reporting month.


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