Elliott Harper

I am the Change Analysts Manager at Elexon and oversee the Change Assessment team which contains Change Analysts and Senior Change Analysts who progress a portfolio of change initiatives to the BSC.

I also participate in the following committees or groups:

Role at Elexon

The Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Change process is used to introduce changes to the BSC arrangements in response to any concerns, problems or defects that Parties may identify in the current processes. Under these processes, changes can be made to the BSC, its Code Subsidiary Documents (CSDs) and to BSC Systems.

The Change Team manage that process to understand the initial requirements, consult with the industry and guide the process to completion.

Experience at Elexon

I joined Elexon in June 2014 as a Technical Analyst, working on Compliance matters, Trading Disputes, Metering queries, and Technical Assurance of Performance Assurance Parties (TAPAP) auditing.

I moved to the Change Management team as a Senior Change Analyst in 2016, progressing Modifications and Change Proposals the BSC framework, alongside facilitating industry discussions through BSC Issue Groups.


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