Metering Dispensation consultation enabling Meter installation to pre-CP1527 implementation CoPs for 18 months

We are seeking views from BSC Parties on whether they support the proposed Metering Dispensation (D/535) given the current Meter shortage issues and the ongoing struggles with obtaining crucial components for the manufacture of new Meters.

Outcome (11 January)

The ISG (Imbalance Settlement Group) and SVG (Supplier Volume Allocation Group) have approved Metering Dispensations D/535 and D/536.


A number of Meter manufacturers have expressed concerns that they will not be able to produce Meters compliant to the new requirements within the CoPs due to be implemented via CP1527 in June 2022.

This Metering Dispensation (D/535) proposes to allow the installation of Meters to the pre CP1527 version of the CoPs for a period of 18 months.

As CP1527 will still be implemented in June 2022, this will in effect create a transition period whereby MOAs will be able to use up old stock and stock that they may have ordered to the pre CP1527 version of the CoPs. It also allows MOAs to install Meters compliant with the latest version of the CoPs post June 2022 when they become available.

This Metering Dispensation only applies to the relevant Sections of the CoPs impacted by CP1527.

This Metering Dispensation does not exempt Metering Systems from compliance to any future updates to the relevant CoPs outside of the scope of CP1527.

About CP1527

Due to a global shortage of materials and the on-going impacts of COVID-19 on global supply chains, there is a shortage of semi-conductors among other crucial components, which impacts the ability of Meter manufacturers to produce Meters with integral Outstations. 

CP1527 proposes the following changes:

  • Increase the minimum data storage capacity for Settlement Outstations to 90 days per Outstation channel, at 30 minutes integration periods, for CoPs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10
  • Mandate specific, selectable, integration periods for CoPs 3, 5, and 10 (i.e. 30, 20, 15, 10 and 5 minutes) and add a test for this requirement (and for CoPs 1 and 2) into BSCP601

CP1527 was approved by the ISG and SVG at their meetings on 7 July 2020 for an implementation date of 30 June 2022. 

Further information

Consultation questions

Q. Do you agree that the proposed Metering Dispensation D/535 should be granted on a temporary basis for a period of 18 months
Q. Please provide your reasoning for the answer given in question 1 of this consultation

How to respond

Please complete the proforma shown below and send your response to [email protected] by 17:00 on Wednesday 5 January 2022.


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