CP1513: Inconsistencies in BSCP601, CoP3 and CoP5

Formal title: Updates removing inconsistencies within and between BSCP601, CoP3 and CoP5

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


A number of changes have resulted in inconsistencies from documents not being updated within BSCP601‘Metering Protocol and Compliance Testing’, Code of Practice (CoP) 3 ‘The Metering of Circuits with a Rated Capacity not Exceeding 10 MVA for Settlement Purposes’ and CoP5 ‘The Metering of Energy Transfers with Max Demand of up to (and including) 1MW for Settlement Purposes’. They have also resulted in documents not being in alignment between BSCP601 and CoPs 3 and 5 and between CoPs 3 and 5. These inconsistencies are confusing to Metering Equipment manufacturers with regard to compliance testing and BSC Parties and Meter Operator Agents with regard to complying with CoPs 3 and 5.


CP1513 was raised on 12 November 2018. CP1513 was presented to the ISG on 20 November and to SVG on 4 December. The progression paper was approved by both committtes and was sent out for industry consultation, with responses due on 1 February 2019. CP1513 was presented to SVG on 5 February, the SVG unanimously approved the change with no comments. CP1513 was presented to the ISG on 19 February 2019 for a decision. The ISG unanimously approved of CP1513 with no comment. CP1513 will now be implemented on 27 June 2019 as part of the June 2019 BSC release.

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CP1513 was implemented on the 27 June 2019, as part of the June 2019 BSC Release.


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